Thursday, April 28, 2011

composition & Silhoettes

1. To Help You Highlight Your Main Point of Interest in the Image

2. The perspective that a shot is taken from is another element that can have a big impact upon an image. Shooting from up high and looking down on a subject or shooting from below looking up on the same subject drastically impact.

3. By Moving in Close and Personal and moving out to capture a subject in its context

4. The positioning with elements in a frame can leave an image feeling balaned or unbalanced

5. Colors Greatly Impact Mood , However in the wrong position they can also distract viewers of an image away from focal points

1. Silhouettes Stands Out Because of the combination of their simplcity but also the story that they convey

2. Is to place your subject in front of some source of light and to force your camera to set its exposure based upon the brightest part of your picture and not the subject of your image

3. You need to ensure that there is more light shining from the background than the foreground of your shot

4. In the Background

5. A Bright Background

6. When framing you’ll probably want to photograph silhouetted people as profiles rather than looking straight on. This means that more of their features (nose, mouth, eyes) are outlined and they are more likely to be recognized.

daily image 4 28 11

1. I See a Bunch of People Walking Down The Stairs

2. I See Black , Yellow , Orange , Lime Green , White , Blue

3. Mixed , Fuse , Merged , Alloy , Put-Together

4. This Photo Gives Me a History Sort of Feeling

5. The Color Part Of The Photo is Now Of Days , & The Black Part is In History

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

daily Image 4/26/11

1. A Dark room , with a bunch of boxs and stuff and windows , it seems like a damage library

2. Black and White , With Squares , Rectangles , and Straight Lines

3. Old , History , Aged , Anicent , Broken

4. This Photo Gives Me a Depressing dul Feeling

5. This Photo is a Picture of a Damaged Library

Thursday, April 21, 2011

daily Image 04-21-11

1. I see HAVOC , It seems like there has been a hurricane or earth quake of some sort

2. Blue , White , Brown , Straight lines , And Horizontal Lines

3. Dangerous , Alarming , Fatal , Risky , Critical

4. This Photo Gives Me a Depressing , Grateful Mood .

5. Its Been a Earth Quake in Japan

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

daily Image 4/19/11

1. I see the reflection of the sky on the water with a sail boat in it .

2. I See All sorts of colors, such as blue , white, light blue

3. Wonderful , Peaceful , Beautiful , Comfortable , and Joyful

4. This Picture Is Basically Saying Anything has A Reflection

5. Rules Of Thirds Because The Grid Shows The Boat

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mood In Music

1. What is the mood of the 1st video? This Video Gives Me A Very Jolly Mood .

2. What is the mood of the 2nd video? This Gives Me a Very Mysterious Mood

Song #1: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Happy , Jolly, Exciting , Fun , Cheerful , Joyful , Peaceful , Delighted , Pleased , Pleasant

Song #2: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Exciting , Weird , Annoyed , Hype , Electrify , Intensify , Mock , Raspy , Angry , Trouble

Song #3: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Old , Depressing , Dispirit , Blue , Cheerless , Doleful , Heartsick , Low-spirited , Passion , Love

Song #4: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Scary , Terrible , Creepy . Horrifying , Horrendous , intimidating spooky , Terrifying , Bizarre , Ghostly

Song #5: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Sad , Depressing , Dispirit , blue , cheerless , doleful , heartsick , weird , bizarre , peaceful

Daily Image 04.07.11

1. Trees , Lake , Branches , all Sorts Of Stuff

2. Green , Brown , Blue , Straight Lines , And Horizontal . .

3. Lonely , Depressing , Lake , Calm , Relaxing

4. This is a Relaxing Place ,were Peaceful Vibes Are Gave . .

5. The Rules Of Thirds Because the grid

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Emotion and mood

1. He said its all about the feeling of being there, of taking the viewer to the location of the photo to feel like i did when the shot was taken

2. The Common element is usally fog

3. When storm clouds are brewing, the effect is enhanced if the storm is on the opposite horizon from the sun

4. When you're shooting running water , a long exposure is usually used in order to create thr silky smooth flow of the water

5. The same can be said when you ask multiple people what mood they feel when looking at a given photo

1. Emotion in a photograph, or any work of art, is what helps a veiwer connect with a piece if that emotion is prevalent in the veiwer

2. Emotion & Feeling

3. if your happy you would smile , and if your having hardships you would show it

4. The mood of those around you will often become more apparent with this relaxed stance

5. Before you hit the shutter release next time , think to yourself, "what emotion am i trying to convey ?"

daily image april,4,11

1. I see a bunch of smashed up buildings with a gurl crying , and helpless

2. Green , Black , blue , rectangles , and straight lines

3. Helpless , sad , pitiful , Hopeless , and Terrible

4. this is a photo of a girl whom is terribly sad about the earth quake